[email protected]
9501 Hillwood Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134
(702) 271-2950 . FAX (702) 304-8058

We are pleased that you would spend a few moments to browse our site. We hope that you will find it insightful and increase your awareness about our office and philosophy. Our environment and the world around us is dynamic and always changing. This website will also continue to change, with the hope that this site will be an information source to help all of us in our quest for knowledge and understanding of modern day dentistry.

Our goal is to deliver you "comprehensive caring dentistry" in a pleasant and professional manner, as well as providing you with the highest quality of dentistry possible. You will find that our approach to dental care aims for excellent dental health, comfort, and satisfied patients. Our office is equipped with state of the art equipment, computers, and computerized electro-diagnostic instrumentation.

A strong emphasis is placed on treating temporomandibular joint (TMJ/ TMD) dyfunction, Musculoskeletal dysfunction of the head and neck, and the Occlusal disorders. Cranio-mandibular Orthopedics combined with a neuromuscular approach to dentistry is taken as an non-invasive preventative approach to dental care.

Dr. Clayton and his team place great emphasis in dental health including the areas of gum health, jaw posture, occlusion, muscle balance, teeth appearance and nutrition, realizing that a conservative and preventive approach is of utmost importance for long-term comfort and optimal health of the whole body.

We feel proud and honored that we can service this community as well as you in improving your dental health, smile, and any dental needs that are of concern to you. Our desire is to provide a quality and pleasant dental experience for each of your visits.

This site is designed to better inform the following viewers such as:

  • Our patients who are desiring to understand our approach and philosophy to comprehensive dental care.
  • the Paining patient who suffers from head, neck and facial pain; desiring answers to better understand treatment options and modalities that are available to help relieve their pain.
  • Dentist, physicians, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians and all those that are in the health care field; wanting to gain an awareness of our treatment philosophy, our protocol in handling TMJ/ myofacial paining/ occlusion cases and dental care services our office provides; to increase the awareness of those seeking answers to the controversies posed in the dental/ medical arena pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of the masticatory system.
  • Attorneys, both plaintiff and defense interested in understanding the approach we take in handling automobile trauma accident victims and their treatment, that the paining victim can receive effective treatment, a fair and just compensation for what is fairly due, and to preventing unfair gain to those that are desiring to fill their personal coffers; increase their awareness of how computerized instrumentation can enhance objectivity to verify existing pathologies of the jaw joints, muscles and mandibular position.

We welcome any and all questions, and invite you to e-mail us. We welcome your comments, both good and bad, and invite your input so we may continuously improve and upgrade this site.

Thank you,


Please note: This website is provided for information and educational purposes only. Without the benefit of a dental examination, review of medical history and any necessary dental x-rays or other diagnostic aids, a doctor/ patient relationship will not be established. No attempt will be made to provide specific diagnosis or recommended courses of treatment. Dr. Chan is licensed to practice in the states of California and Nevada and this website is not intended to solicit patients from other states.

The content is solely the opinion of Dr. Chan and does not represent the thought and feelings of any organization or group. All rights are reserved. Permission to copy the content of any part of the website is requested by the author. Thank you for your cooperation.

If a topic has not been included that you feel desires special mention, please contact us at [email protected] and every effort will be made to list the information on this web site. Thank you.